Because Only Together We Can

Free Iran

Empowering Kiwis to join the Woman Life Freedom revolution for a free Iran. ​
About Us

Voice of Iranians is dedicated to amplifying the voices of those fighting for democracy against brutal oppression by the Iranian regime. Our mission is to empower New Zealanders to join the Woman, Life, Freedom revolution. We engage the community with this global pro-democracy movement through projects and events centred around the arts, education, advocacy and building solidarity.

Come join us

Voice of Iranians is run by a small, dedicated team of volunteers. We’re always looking for passionate individuals who want to champion democracy and justice for the people of Iran.


Our events are aimed at transmitting the Iranian peoples’ struggles, stories and aspirations in their ongoing fight for freedom. We want to mobilise New Zealanders across all walks of life to support the peaceful, pro-democracy efforts of the people of Iran.

Help us raise money for Voice of Iranians
17 July, 2020

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29 June, 2020

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5 MAY, 2020​

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Empower Change with your support

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